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A illustrated dog-man sits in a fiery room with an expression like everything is fine although it is not fine


Fancy Boy

Win Portrait


Fancy Boy


What’s your employment history?
Now don’t judge me on this I’ve never really had a job, however, I’m a great morale booster, play friend + overall cool and fluffy guy,  I reckon that’s worth a whole lot! But I know I’m well on my way to being Director of Poop.

Tell us about your proudest moment
My proudest moment was when I finally broke Stephan down and he baby-talked to me after ignoring me for weeks. Oh and learning not to pee or poop in the office in superfast time! 

What are your ambitions for the future?
My greatest ambition is to dig the biggest hole and my favourite pastime is playing office cricket with Joe & Quinn!  

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