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A illustrated dog-man sits in a fiery room with an expression like everything is fine although it is not fine



Becca Portrait



Tell us a bit about your career history
My earliest job was whilst I was still at school, smashing disposable cameras for Max Spielmann and making sure everyone in the village got their 1-hour photos not a minute late. After university I got my first ‘proper job’ at the comic book shop Forbidden Planet, as assistant manager.

It didn’t take me long to abandon the highs of the printed page, and I moved to Japan and became a teacher at a private school. Located on a beach near Kobe City I would spend my days in class and my evenings in the ocean. After several years, I decided to explore the rest of the country and funded my journey by travel writing for various websites.

Coming back to the UK, I headed back to the comic shop—this time to run the place. Through a series of twisty-turny events, I am now framework, coding my little heart out.

Career highlights
I was an award nominated teacher for three years is a row. At Forbidden Planet, I was the youngest assistant manager in the company, first female manager of my store, and I kept profits in the top of the company—with no staff loss—during Covid!

But, the greatest moments of all were serving Sir Ian McKellen and Sir David Attenborough (these were at different times, would have been a hell of a day if it were both!).

Free time
I am a serial hobbyist.

I spend my evenings doing online courses and when I’m not engrossed in something new, I love drawing both digital and traditional. I have written several books, one is self-published, and another was released by Smashbear Publishing in 2021. I have an audiobook (which I voiced) available and plans for many, many more stories! I also read… Alot! My preference is for manga, graphic novels or long winded fantasy series novels. Despite this, I don’t spend all my time inside! I do occasionally step out to enjoy natural light and love hiking.

Fun fact
I have climbed dozens of mountains with the most notable being Mt Fuji which was for charity. It’s not the only charity I’ve raised money for, with several thousands of pounds being raised for various causes. I embroidered and beaded dozens of breasts (Breast Cancer Awareness), hosted a 28-hour video game Twitch stream, and advertised homes for cats and dogs. I am also a little bit of a Pokémon fan. I have a 4-foot plush Pikachu, life size plush Bulbasaur and a TCG collection featuring one of the top-ten rarest Charizards!