The Framework Design team led a series of discovery sessions with Informed Recruitment to understand more about the company and what they wanted to achieve. Informed Recruitment wanted the site to display their brand and also emphasise their considered and individualised approach to recruitment.
Our designers started working on creating clear and modern designs for the site, incorporating a complementary colour palette that utilised Informed Recruitments already established colours, as well as some additional muted purples and blues to elevate the site visually. We utilised illustrations and animations across the site but mixed these with stock imagery of people to give the site an overall more human feel.
The Framework Design team also curated numerous illustrations and animations. Informed Recruitment wanted a unique touch to their site that made use of their existing brand elements. Our designers saw potential in the series of shapes that the company used within their branding and were keen to take them a step further. The team created a library of brand assets that utilised the different shapes in new ways, creating Lottie animations that could be easily scaled and uploaded on the site.
The animations were then used to provide an engaging experience for visitors to the site and to further showcase the Informed Recruitment brand.
Once all the designs and assets had been created, it was time for the Framework development team to bring the site to life. Informed Recruitment wanted a site that was easy to navigate and easy to organise. To achieve this, the development team implemented custom job integration capabilities which meant that jobs could be pulled into the site on an hourly basis from a 3rd party. The jobs would then be categorised to make searching and filtering easier for candidates who wanted to search for jobs relevant to their skillset.
Additionally, the developers ensured that all job application processes pulled through to a 3rd party receiver so that all applications were organized into one area.
The Framework development team also provided a login system that used a 3rd party login for clients and an on-site account creator for candidates, as per Informed Recruitments needs.